Thursday, August 16, 2007

A lot of TEST Day

Today is Thursday.And today is not very FUN at all.We have 2 test today.First,it is HISTORY TEST.Then is MATH TEST.The History test is not so easy as the last question is not teacher never tell us to study ,and EVERYONE is making guesses to the question and so everybody answer is different.But is the OPPSITIE around, the math test is Easy as i keep doing and never stop expect to think LAH!Some of them say it is very difficult,some say very easy like me.During English lesson,teacher ask us to form group of 3 or 4,and we didn't include one of my friend,which always with my group when doing project in.And he is angry,but he is alawys with my group so i decide to let somebody join instead of him.That the end:)Bye:)

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